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Car overheating, new water pump, new radiator, head gasket is good. Why is it overheating?
This can be caused by a number of things such as low coolant levels, a faulty thermostat (, or a failing coolant fan switch. As you may know the coolant fan switch ( helps to maintain the proper coolant temperature...
My steering wheel seems as if it is bent over to the left about an inch or inch and a half
You may have to have the whole steering column replaced ( including the steering wheel. The reason you will need to do this is your steering may be off quite a bit and it is probably not safe for you...
When accelerating, car jerks back and forth - 1995 Chevrolet Beretta
This is not a safe condition under which to continue driving. If you have any warranty options with the dealer you purchased the car from, go back to the dealer, and seek satisfactory repairs that eliminate this condition. If that...
My high beams dont work what could be the problem?
Hello and thank you for your question. The high beam switch sometimes tends to get stuck on low beams only. Check the high beam relay and see if it is clicking when the high beam switch is activated. If the...
At highway speeds, car loses power
I would check the fuel pressure (for being low) before doing anything else. If it is, check the fuel pressure regulator ( (A clogged catalytic convertor would be a constant problem, not intermittent as you describe.) A professional mechanic, like...
The transmission seems to go into neutral when I stop ,then I turn off the car then restart and I can go again until I stop
Hi there. If it starts working fine once you restart the car, then chances are it is not the transmission failing. Most of the time, this is caused by a valve sticking in the valve body. They tend to get...

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