Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Cooling System Flush for 2020 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $329 Savings 21.34% Dealer Estimate $418 Location Littleton, CO
Service type Brake System Flush for 2020 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $641 Savings 42.67% Dealer Estimate $1118 Location Anderson, IN
Service type Spark Plug Replacement for 2019 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $316 Savings 34.94% Dealer Estimate $486 Location Lakeland, FL
Service type Brake Pads - Rear Replacement for 2019 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $284 Savings 23.73% Dealer Estimate $373 Location Del Valle, TX
Service type Brake Rotor/Disc - Front Replacement for 2019 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $425 Savings 37.45% Dealer Estimate $680 Location Hammond, IN
Service type Brake Rotor/Disc - Rear Replacement for 2020 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $444 Savings 36.50% Dealer Estimate $699 Location Glendale, AZ
Service type Brake Rotor/Disc - Rear Replacement for 2019 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $436 Savings 36.55% Dealer Estimate $687 Location Las Vegas, NV
Service type Oil Change for 2020 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid L4-2.0L Hybrid Estimate $231 Savings 32.78% Dealer Estimate $344 Location Curtis Bay, MD

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Answers to common Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid questions

2004 ford focus wagon overheats randomly then kools
Answered by Jessica
Hello, thank you for writing in. The vehicle may be having issues with the components you already replaced, or there may be another problem. At this point, you will want to look into the engine temperature sensors, the radiator cap,...
Does a new ECM for this year make model need to be flashed in order to drive the vehicle? 2004 Ford Focus
Answered by David
Yes, a new ECM will have to flashed ( before you can even start your vehicle. The "flashing" or programming of the ECM will require your VIN number to the supplier, who should be updating the most current software for...
Cranks, will start if check engine light goes off. If light stays on, no start
Answered by Jay
If you have the ignition switch out of the vehicle then you may be getting a switch that is not making good contact internally. I would first recommend replacing the ignition switch and checking connector for any problems in the...
Throttle position sensor - loose connection? 2012 Ford Fusion
Answered by David
Hello - yes, it is possible that the electrical connector for the throttle position sensor ( has a loose or poor connection. It is more likely that the throttle position sensor is failing. It has redundant circuitry, which accounts for...

Fast and easy Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid services at your home or office.

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